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10 months ago by Versh.
♯new ♯2023checklist ♯pop ♯adultcontemporary ♯bedroompop ♯electronic ♯experimental ♯fruityloops ♯hyperpop ♯hypnagogicpop ♯lesbian ♯darksynth ♯electronic ♯melbourne ♯katiedey 'never falter hero girl' A staggering complex of tones and textures ramped up in to the extreme, each track oversaturated with distorting harmonies into contrasting discordant noise, Katie Dey's signature brand of hyper-pop-expressionism is like no other. The LP unfolds at a precipice of misery, yet through multiple branches, the tracks build to a turn (for the better or the worse) manifesting into moments of clarity and triumph.
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