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8 years ago by Nakaraan Melancholia.
Nakaraan Melancholia
Woah. You can @username someone. I probably should have done that before. Well, my bad. On that note, I feel conflicted as to what genre I should take these posts down. I'm thinking more of a weekly genre kinda thing. It doesn't even have to be a genres, just like "Story Songs" one week and "Pirate Metal" the next. I feel as though I'd need more followers to do that, but we're going to try anyways. If you have an opinion, I'd be great if you commented. Or not. That's cool too I guess. ♯melancholia ♯poll ♯genre ♯mexican ♯radio ♯wallofvoodoo ♯comment ♯doubleupload ♯followers ♯cripplingdepression ♯optimisticallyhopeful
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